Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hat Trick..... Work, Ride, Paddle....

 I had this idea the other day and ran it past my usual partner in crime.  We agreed this would be a great mini epic if we did it after a full day of work.  I worked my day job, he worked his day jobs, then we met up, set the shuttle and got on the bikes.  The pictures will tell the rest of the story.

Shuttle set... ready to roll!

In town mountain bike trails proved to be a viable shuttle route...
Photo: Welcome to the jungle...
The trail needs a good bit of TLC thanks to this week's multiple big wind storms.  
Look what we found stashed in the woods.......
Two of my favorite things....
Don't mind if I do!
This set up is actually pretty darn stable

Loaded up and truckin'
We took a quick break at a friends house.... Thanks for the picture Jess!
Take Out
Getting that up there was terrible 
 A li'l bushwhacking 
Might have been easier to unload at the bottom of the hill... maybe next time...
Lets go home